P Lucyjna
Lifestyle Editor
Model: Apollonia
Ten years old Apollonia and her First Holy Communion in Polish Catholic Church It took one year of preparations for Apollonia to receive the Eucharist for the first time, which according to the faith of the Catholic Church, resembles the actual body and blood of Christ. Holy Communion is a very important sacrament in the Catholic Church in Poland, where most of the population is Catholic. It is usually celebrated when children are 9 or 10 years old, but some parents may choose to enroll their children in Early Holy Communion. The ceremony is followed by a party with family and friends, where gifts are given to the children. Some common gifts are jewellery, watches, rosaries, prayer books, or money. Some parishes require that children wear a white robe called an “alba” to make everyone look equal, while others allow children to wear elegant dresses or suits.