
Welcome to Lazin magazine. I am pleased that you have visited us to support this inspirational project which covers fashion, art and design globally. We receive an overwhelming response to our submission requests and very grateful to all photographers, models, artists, designers, corporate sponsors and creativity community in general.

We are fortunate to have an excellent team in three continents who has put some wonderful work to show just the beginning of this exciting journey.

Lazin Magazine has been created to support the talent globally and we are very thankful for all of your contributions.

Fashion Designers, Photographers, Artists, Sportspersons, Singers, Dancers, Models, Make up Artists, Hairstylists, Retouching virtuosos, Digital Effects wizards, Modelling Agencies, Start ups, Restauranteurs, Digital Artists, Entrepreneurs are all welcome in this space.

If you have something interesting to say, write, show, we are here to help you to show your talent, services globally.

Please submit your proposals at and our team will be in touch.

This magazine has been dedicated to hope. After a very difficult pandemic for most creatives, we are hoping future will bring joyous return to some form of normality to global masses. We are all the way with you in this return to hope, wellbeing and prosperity.